“Spring Break a la Mexico!”
Whew! We made it! “Spring break” was crazy-busy, but exciting to see the Lord’s hand orchestrate all the activities and change lives in the process.
Week One: 200 Westmont College students stayed at Agua Viva Ministries and served throughout Ensenada through medical clinics, VBS, sports clinics and many houses were built. It was fun to see the soccer field peppered with tents and hearing the stories in the evenings of what the Lord had done in the different ministry sites. Jeff had the opportunity to preach in the evening community church service to over 350 persons including the Westmont students and local pastors and churches.
Week Two: Hannah came to visit!! WooHoo! Hannah spent her spring break with us. It was absolutely wonderful to have the whole family together! We also had Sally, Whitney and Adam Jan come visit Mexico for the first time! We had 3 students from Portland camp out in our living room and help out at camp and help us move into our new home.
Week Three: A group from Santa Ana, California came and helped with recreation for our youth camp for Mexican youth. We had over 300 in camp! Many commitments were made and lives were changed!

A special treat was a visit from Ineke’s brother, Ed! Ineke dragged him all over Ensenada and the surrounding areas; visiting communities, assessing needs, networking with local pastors and of course…eating lots of fish tacos.

Week Four: We had 2 American groups serve in 4 medical clinics, 2 VBS programs, 2 women’s programs and 2 construction projects. Reno Christian Fellowship (our home church) came and it was wonderful to spend time with friends and serve together.
Jeff’s new truck that was donated by a home fellowship from Reno Christian Fellowship arrived!! It is kind of embarrassing to have such a fancy truck here in Mexico! Us missionary types are used to driving old dusty vehicles with cracked taillights and tailpipes suspended with rope. Thank you again Reno!
The greatest and most pressing issue with Missions Partnership Experience (MPE) this year is the drastic decrease in numbers of American groups. We believe that the incessant media press on border violence coupled with the over-all economic issues in the United States was the main responsible factors.
Follow this link to our Mexico Safety Update:
Even though I know that the Lord can do great things with few people; it still does grieve my heart that in my feeble, human perception, fewer Mexican’s are served and fewer Americans are broadening their world view and experiencing the work of the Lord through MPE.
John Piper sums up the subject of fear and risk in his book, “Don’t Waste Your Life” (page 81): "Risk is woven into the fabric of our finite lives. We cannot avoid risk even if we want to. Ignorance and uncertainty about tomorrow is our native air. All of our plans for tomorrow's activities can be shattered by a thousand unknowns whether we stay at home under the covers or ride the freeways. One of my aims is to explode the myth of safety and to somehow deliver you from the enchantment of security. Because it's a mirage. It doesn't exist. Every direction you turn there are unknowns and things beyond your control. The tragic hypocrisy is that the enchantment of security lets us take risks every day for ourselves but paralyzes us from taking risks for others on the Calvary road of love. We are deluded and think that it may jeopardize a security that in fact does not even exist."
I am more and more convinced that the Lord uses turbulent times, such as these, to bring us to our knees and rely more on Him. We continue to see the Lord’s amazing provisions and have seen His unfailing heart for Mexico. His heart hasn’t changed for AVM and He is not nervous! We have seen the Lord unite a ragamuffin staff together amidst financial strain, political unrest, personal struggles and border narco-violence.
Thanks to all of you who read our BLOG!
Prayer requests:
- Hannah and Tim would “finish strong” in school
- Hannah and Tim’s summer work plans
- College finances next year (yes, we now have 2 in college!)
- Agua Viva creative financing
- Programming American groups
- Continued endurance and health in these busy days
Heyoh! I’m Graduating from high school! Imagine that!
I’m coming back to Reno for summer and I am going to need a job! I know the economy is down, and a lot of people are going to be looking for work. It is hard to apply for jobs while living in Mexico.
If you can, please let me know if you have heard of any job openings. I’m open to any suggestions for jobs. Last summer I worked landscaping. I am a fast learner, I work hard, I’m strong, a fast typist, I’ve got a good attitude, I am dependable and I don’t have the swine flu. I may have bird flu… if that’s an issue…just kidding.
For interviews, I’ll be available May 11th through the 13th. If it’s not possible to do an interview within this time period, please e-mail me a good time for a phone interview.
I am also looking for a room to rent for the summer. Please keep your eyes open!
Please e-mail me with any leads: timmyfries@gmail.com
Thanks for your consideration!
Timothy Wallace Glavor