Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's Spring time in Mexico!

It's Spring time in Mexico! The hills are brilliant green, the Rancho Agua Viva creek is gurgling, the toads are croaking at night, the wildflowers are blooming and we have unpacked the sunscreen and flip-flops… and so the busy season begins!
We are excited! This may be a record breaking year for AVM in the short-term missions department! What a stark contrast to last year when we had a substantial decrease in guests due to media reports of border violence, swine flu and the engulfing economic malaise in the USA.

We are up 288% guests from last year! This increase may have been attributed to the regained courage from groups that cancelled last year in light of great reports from those who came last year and also an aggressive promotional campaign. Bottom line... I believe this year’s increase is because of God’s abundant grace and love for Mexico!

Our busy season began early. We have already had a new group of college students from Idaho. They served in 4 medical clinics and a traveling VBS team and put a new roof on one of the staff houses. What an amazing group!

We also had a team from Concordia University in Wisconsin come with 46 NP students and faculty and served approximately 400 patients in 4 medical clinics and provided stellar health education classes for the community.

Over 200 students from Westmont College peppered our soccer field with tents and served throughout the Ensenada community in VBS, sports outreach, medical, dental and optometry clinics, they built 5 homes and one Desayunador (facility to feed children, tutor and share the gospel).

This year we are providing more medical, dental and optometry clinics than in years past. We believe that serving the physical needs of the rural communities and using the gift of medicine can be used to draw people in and open doors to share the gospel.

We set up clinics in remote evangelical churches. The pastors and leaders of these churches partner with us and set up their own counseling and prayer stations. It is amazing to see a patient come in to the clinic with a toothache and leave not only having his tooth repaired, but also walking away as a follower of Christ and follow up as well.

How is the Glavor family doing?
Jeff: He is still recovering from the stroke and figuring out his abilities and disabilities and understanding and accepting the difference. He has dramatically changed his lifestyle! No red meat, no sodas and lots of salads, exercise and rest. He has taken this wake up call very seriously! He is doing great!

Ineke: She is busy with programming all the groups. She still is working on balancing work, family, personal correspondence, rest, exercise and play time.

Hannah: She has a very busy semester at Multnomah University. She accepted a summer intern position at an outreach for the homeless in Portland. She is also increasing her involvement on the music team at her church, Imago Dei and is writing many beautiful songs.

Tim: He is loving Ecola Bible School this year. We enjoy hearing him talk about all that he is learning. We are proud that he has been accepted into Multnomah University next fall! Both Hannah and Tim are excited that they will be back together again. He also has become an excellent guitar player.

Prayer requests:•We want the Lord to use each of us in the Glavor Family to serve Him with all our might, gifts and abilities
•Stamina, health and wisdom for Jeff and Ineke during the busy Spring and Summer seasons here in Mexico
•Ongoing financial concerns for school funding for the kids and daily living
•Tim’s summer plans for work and accommodations
•Hannah’s safety, growth and endurance while working in the homeless ministry
•Time and resources for the family to get together more than just at Christmas time...we miss each other

We miss you all! Write us sometime! We love mail and e-mail!!