Please set aside Sunday, July 25th as a day of prayer for Jeff!
Ok…Here is the scoop….Most of you know already that Jeff has been battling some health issues since November. The last few weeks he has experienced several alarming, new neurological symptoms. The MRI of his brain reveals some troubling findings which point to a myriad of diagnosis. We have already been given 3 separate, conflicting diagnoses.
We are waiting for doctors in San Diego to review Jeff’s studies and we also are waiting for an appointment at Mayo Clinic in Arizona which may be in several weeks. Enough waiting!... Let’s pray for a miracle before we get the final diagnosis!
Please join us for a DAY OF PRAYER (fasting if you desire) for Jeff, THIS SUNDAY, July 25! We believe in an awesome God!
We love and miss you!
PS: The summer of ministry here at AVM has been awesome and crazy-busy! The Lord is doing great things here in Mexico! Many have made first time decisions for Christ, Mexician churches and pastors have been blessed, we have served over 1,000 patients in medical clinics and lives have been changed!
Stay tuned for details on Jeff and our summer review.