We're finishing up the last few details before we head back to the US for the holidays. Let me share a few of the highlights of the last couple of months...
Over Thanksgiving weekend we worked with a group from Calvary Chapel Mission Viejo. They make it a tradition to arrive on Thursday, begin ministering that afternoon, and have Thanksgiving with the seminary students at Rancho Agua Viva. What a great way for people to show their thankfulness by serving others! They stay here through the sunday of that weekend. The Calvary Chapel group participated in women's, construction/painting, and VBS ministries and cooked a barbecue meal at Iglesia Monte De Olivos. We had a tremendous rainstorm very early on Thursday that subsided just before the group got into Ensenada, the sun came out and actually sort of dried things up a bit. We had woken up Thursday morning to find our office flooded with about 3 inches of muddy water. We cleaned it up just in time to go and meet the group as they arrived at Iglesia Monte De Olivos to begin serving Thursday afternoon.
Our 55 Mexican seminary students have completed the their coursework, and have returned to their homes and ministry sites throughout Mexico. Their graduation ceremony was on Saturday December 6th. They're returning to areas where they may face persecution, banishment from their family, imprisonment, and torture. One of our students, Ismael, a Huichole (an indiginous tribe in Jalisco, Mexico) has a price on his head of one years wages, for anyone who kills him. Others are going back to serving in the more urban areas, and more than a few sense God's calling to go into the mission field, where they will bring light and hope into dark places. It is one the biggest priveleges for Ineke and I here in Mexico to serve alongside these heroes of the faith. Be praying for them as they return to the spiritual battlefront, better prepared, trained, and encouraged. Only about 9% of the pastors and ministry workers here in Mexico have any training, and that's why our seminary exists.
Thanksgiving weekend Hannah came down from Portland to visit with us. It was a busy time, so there wasn't as much time to visit with her as we would have liked. It was great, however, to see Hannah and Tim spend time together. One highlight was having Hannah and Tim play guitar and lead worship together at the campfire when the Calvary Chapel group arrived at Rancho Agua Viva. The other highlight was driving together back across the border to take Hannah to the airport for her flight home... genuine family time. Both Ineke and I are really proud of both Hannah and Tim, and we're excited to see what plans God has for them.
Tim and Ineke spent a week in the US in November looking at potential colleges for Tim. While Tim was visiting Westmont College in Santa Barbara, a wildfire broke out (I'm pretty sure Tim wasn't responsible). They couldn't evacuate the school, so the students, prospective students and parents spent the night in the gym. I don't know if he wants to go there, he says it smells kinda' smoky. He is very much, however, looking forward to returning to Reno to see his friends.
Speaking of Hannah, we were able to find a car for her. Our friend Mike Alger went on the hunt through Craigslist for us in Reno, making many phone calls and checking out cars for us. Pastor Tom Tomkins at Reno Christan Fellowship put out the word through the congregation. Dave Campanaro, who plays guitar in the worship band at RCF, owns a used car dealership. He had on the lot a Jeep similar to what Hannah had before the accident, and after doing lots of extra repairs for Hannah, sold the car to her for exactly the amount of the insurance settlement. I'm very humbled and appreciative of the fact that so many people are watching out for our family. Thank you so much. Hannah arrived in Reno for her winter break last Saturday and got her car!
We're heading towards Reno tonight, leaving sometime this evening and crossing the border late when it's not so busy. We'll be driving all night and hopefully arrive sometime Saturday afternoon. If the weather holds, we drive down to the bay area Sunday after church, to visit my famly. We'll return Tuesday to Reno, spending the holidays in Reno. We return to the bay area on January 8th, and drive back to Mexico on Sunday January 11th. We're having an open house in Reno on January 3rd at 3:00 (775-853-6653 for info and RSVP), and one in Newark, CA (510-793-9815 for info and RSVP). If you are interested, we'd love to see you. Our cell phone number while we're in the states is (619)838-3317.
Have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.
In Christ, Jeff & Ineke Glavor
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