*Tim graduates from high school in Mexico and goes to college in Oregon *Hannah serves in Uganda *Empty Nest in Mexico
*Decrease in American short-term missionary guests
*25th Wedding Anniversary
*Jeff and Ineke teach at MTI seminary
*Jeff has a minor stroke
*Life lessons in the short-lived “tunnel of chaos” renewed our conviction that we love working here in Mexico and that we serve an awesome God!
What a roller coaster year for the Glavors!
Jeff and Ineke update:
Professionally for Jeff and Ineke, 2009 was challenging. As Program Directors for short-term missions for Agua Viva Ministries we had our frustrations due to unrelenting media reports of border violence followed by the swine flu scare in Mexico. We daily addressed concerned American guest’s questions regarding the wisdom of bring down groups to serve.
Despite our efforts to allay fears, we had a 60% decrease in short-term missionary guests this year, even though the violence was nowhere to be seen in the communities we serve, nor did Ensenada have many cases of the swine flu. It made us sad to think that many of the pressing needs of the community would not be met, less people would hear the gospel and that American guests would miss out on broadening their world view. WE WERE SOOOO WRONG! It was a wonderful spring and summer!!
Here are just a few work victories for 2009!
*We had 5 times the number of first time commitments to Christ in the Mexican communities we served!
*We had 5 times the number of first time commitments to Christ in the Mexican communities we served!
*33 American guests were prompted to go in full time missions! The Mexican churches stepped up and served alongside the American guests in unprecedented ways!
*We received a $25,000.00 grant for student scholarships for our seminary students which covered the loss from the American Short-term mission income.
*Booking of American and Canadian groups for 2010 is already up! Even higher than in 2008! We already have 5 new groups that have signed up to come and serve!
Photos are courtesy of Project Resonate by John Yao who captured the heart of Agua Viva Ministries in Mexico. See his website and see his photography! Thank you John! You have an amazing gift with photography and a wonderful heart for missions.
The honeymoon phase of missionary work has passed and we were faced with a few *hiccups* here in Mexico. This year was peppered with bouts of typhoid, amoebas and various intestinal bacteria that are too difficult to pronounce. These infections were due to the occupational hazard of eating with the pastors in remote villages we serve, setting up future projects and ministries (Don’t worry! you don’t get this at Rancho Agua Viva).
The end of November, Jeff had a minor stroke (a big hiccup!). After being in the hospital, receiving clot-busters and many tests; He is doing great! He still misses a few words here and there but his humor is still intact!! Needless to say, this was a big wake up call! Life style changes and lots of medications are in order.
Many thanks to all of you for your prayers and your concern! E-mails and cards flooded in. We are blessed by having so many wonderful friends that sent words of encouragement!!
Here are some of our favorite quotes from our friends:
“Praying for you, Jeff! Life gets simpler when there are fewer foods to choose from.” BB
“Welcome to the stroke club!” After hearing that Jeff had to forgo the carne asada tacos, “Sorry about the tacos, though. I had to give up chicken fajitas. Thought I was really missing out so we went out one day for a farewell order - they weren't that good! Life is way better! LB
“Let me tell you there is nothing more frustrating or more "wierd" than something wrong with your mentation… Kinda like your cheese has slipped just a little off your cracker. ” GB
Our favorite quote: “We'll be praying for Jeff's full recovery, Lord willing. If that's not the Lord's plan, we will come down, get drunk, and slur along with him. OK.” SF
These series of events definitely put life back into perspective. Cultural and language difficulties and the long hours here in Mexico seem less monumental now and we have regained a new joy of serving here in Mexico.
As this year is ending, we stand amazed at God’s provision, His mercy and His love for us. We are grateful for the privilege of being here in Mexico! Thank you to all of you who have made our dreams come true! We are here because of your support and encouragement. Thank you!
Lessons we learned in 2009:
*The Lord’s heart hasn’t changed for the world.
*God is in control!
*We are not!
*We miss our family and friends
*Life is short
Pray for Mexico Pray for Agua Viva Ministries
Pray for renewed strength and passion as we prepare for the busy spring and summer groups.
Pray for health
Pray for finances
Hannah Update 2009:
If you thought living in Mexico was cool, try living in a third world country on a completely different continent for three months. Uganda has been an amazing trip. I've made life long friends, learned life lessons, and made a difference. It has been a tremendous time for growth. I cannot wait to share my adventures with my friends and family.
For a recap, check out my blog at: http://www.bananaflavor.wordpress.com/
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT: http://vimeo.com/8114274 (Hannah's trip to Uganda in pictoral form)
Here are some of our favorite quotes from our friends:
“Praying for you, Jeff! Life gets simpler when there are fewer foods to choose from.” BB
“Welcome to the stroke club!” After hearing that Jeff had to forgo the carne asada tacos, “Sorry about the tacos, though. I had to give up chicken fajitas. Thought I was really missing out so we went out one day for a farewell order - they weren't that good! Life is way better! LB
“Let me tell you there is nothing more frustrating or more "wierd" than something wrong with your mentation… Kinda like your cheese has slipped just a little off your cracker. ” GB
Our favorite quote: “We'll be praying for Jeff's full recovery, Lord willing. If that's not the Lord's plan, we will come down, get drunk, and slur along with him. OK.” SF
These series of events definitely put life back into perspective. Cultural and language difficulties and the long hours here in Mexico seem less monumental now and we have regained a new joy of serving here in Mexico.
As this year is ending, we stand amazed at God’s provision, His mercy and His love for us. We are grateful for the privilege of being here in Mexico! Thank you to all of you who have made our dreams come true! We are here because of your support and encouragement. Thank you!
Lessons we learned in 2009:
*The Lord’s heart hasn’t changed for the world.
*God is in control!
*We are not!
*We miss our family and friends
*Life is short
Pray for Mexico Pray for Agua Viva Ministries
Pray for renewed strength and passion as we prepare for the busy spring and summer groups.
Pray for health
Pray for finances
Hannah Update 2009:
If you thought living in Mexico was cool, try living in a third world country on a completely different continent for three months. Uganda has been an amazing trip. I've made life long friends, learned life lessons, and made a difference. It has been a tremendous time for growth. I cannot wait to share my adventures with my friends and family.
For a recap, check out my blog at: http://www.bananaflavor.wordpress.com/
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT: http://vimeo.com/8114274 (Hannah's trip to Uganda in pictoral form)
Pray for a good time of rest and renewal before I return back to Multnomah in January
Pray for the people I've left behind, that they grow in the lord, have continued patience and renewed faith
Pray that I am able to make enough money over the break to last me a semester
Pray that I focus in my last remaining semesters at Multnomah.
Pray for the people I've left behind, that they grow in the lord, have continued patience and renewed faith
Pray that I am able to make enough money over the break to last me a semester
Pray that I focus in my last remaining semesters at Multnomah.
Tim Update 2009:
"Hello! hello everyone! I've been super busy with school at Ecola Bible College and work at the conference center, but I'm enjoying it all a ton. Right now I'm taking Philippians and Creation. It’s awesome! It’s amazing to see how these teachers can cram soooo much knowledge into one week. I'm feeling homesick for Reno and Mexico, but I know I'm supposed to be here! Sooo...... I'll see you all at Christmas! Zing!"
"Hello! hello everyone! I've been super busy with school at Ecola Bible College and work at the conference center, but I'm enjoying it all a ton. Right now I'm taking Philippians and Creation. It’s awesome! It’s amazing to see how these teachers can cram soooo much knowledge into one week. I'm feeling homesick for Reno and Mexico, but I know I'm supposed to be here! Sooo...... I'll see you all at Christmas! Zing!"
Pray for school this year and plans for next year
Pray for work
Pray for Christmas break in Reno
Pray for work
Pray for Christmas break in Reno
THE GLAVOR FAMILY is coming to town!
Let’’s Fiesta!
FELIZ NAVIDAD from sunny Mexico! The Holidays are upon us and we are dreaming of skiing (and snowboarding) down Mt. Rose and sipping hot, spiced apricot nectar while snuggling next to a fireplace with family and friends. We have 3 weeks in the States, and then we will return to Ensenada and gear up for the typical crazy-busy spring and summer seasons, programming and hosting American and Canadian guests with Agua Viva Ministries.
As much as we would love to meet with each of you individually, we realize because of our limited time and our need to pace ourselves this year; we will not be able to squeeze everyone into this whirlwind trip. Trust me…WE WISH WE COULD! We miss you all very much!
We plan on having 2 open houses: One in Reno and one in the Bay area (Those of you in Seattle will need to e-mail us if you would like to get together January 10-11). Please feel free to invite anyone that might be interested in hearing about the adventures of the crazy Glavor Family in Mexico, Uganda and Oregon.
Let’’s Fiesta!
FELIZ NAVIDAD from sunny Mexico! The Holidays are upon us and we are dreaming of skiing (and snowboarding) down Mt. Rose and sipping hot, spiced apricot nectar while snuggling next to a fireplace with family and friends. We have 3 weeks in the States, and then we will return to Ensenada and gear up for the typical crazy-busy spring and summer seasons, programming and hosting American and Canadian guests with Agua Viva Ministries.
As much as we would love to meet with each of you individually, we realize because of our limited time and our need to pace ourselves this year; we will not be able to squeeze everyone into this whirlwind trip. Trust me…WE WISH WE COULD! We miss you all very much!
We plan on having 2 open houses: One in Reno and one in the Bay area (Those of you in Seattle will need to e-mail us if you would like to get together January 10-11). Please feel free to invite anyone that might be interested in hearing about the adventures of the crazy Glavor Family in Mexico, Uganda and Oregon.
Reno Fiesta:
January 2, 2009 at 4 PM
Greg and Nancy Latimer’s home
10067 E Desert Canyon Dr
Reno, NV 89511
Phone number: 775 853-6653
Please bring an appetizer to Share
Bay Area Fiesta:
January 8, 2009 at 6 PM
Russ and Sally Jan's home
36342 Bridgepointe Dr.
Newark, CA 94560
Phone number: 510 791-0345
Please bring an appetizer to share
We pray that during this holiday season that you will keep Christ front and center in all your time commitments, activities, gatherings, attitudes and giving.
We love and miss you all!
Feliz Navidad!
Jeff, Ineke, Hannah and Tim Glavor
January 2, 2009 at 4 PM
Greg and Nancy Latimer’s home
10067 E Desert Canyon Dr
Reno, NV 89511
Phone number: 775 853-6653
Please bring an appetizer to Share
Bay Area Fiesta:
January 8, 2009 at 6 PM
Russ and Sally Jan's home
36342 Bridgepointe Dr.
Newark, CA 94560
Phone number: 510 791-0345
Please bring an appetizer to share
We pray that during this holiday season that you will keep Christ front and center in all your time commitments, activities, gatherings, attitudes and giving.
We love and miss you all!
Feliz Navidad!
Jeff, Ineke, Hannah and Tim Glavor
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