“EXTRAVAGANT” Webster defines as: “exceeding the limits of reason or necessity or to lavish”.
We serve an EXTRAVAGANT God who works in extravagant ways! Not only within our work here through Agua Viva Ministries in Mexico, but in our personal lives as well.
Wow! What a year! It is hard to believe that last year at this time we were bemoaning meager numbers of short-term missionary guests, Swine flu and border violence issues.
This year we are happy to report a substantial increase of US and Canadian guests and more importantly, a record number of Mexican nationals who were served and heard the Gospel (over an estimated 6,300)!

Churches, pastors, children and adults were served, equipped, fed, encouraged and trained. Houses were built, churches repaired and we had a record number of medical, dental and optometry clinics throughout the area.

“EXTRAVAGANT” is a word we can use to express God’s mercy on the Glavor family as we have watched Jeff’s health this year, how our children are growing up serving the Lord and how our needs have been met in miraculous and undeserved ways.

Despite seeing the Lord’s extravagance this year; we are compelled to inform you, our friends of our significant decrease in our donor giving due to the US economy.
Please pray for us as we are planning to spend our Christmas furlough hoping to raise our donor base so that we can remain on the mission field. We plan to re-assess in January. We will report back to you our status once we meet that crossroad.
We believe in an EXTRAVAGANT God and we will go anywhere He leads us! We hope He keeps us here in Mexico!
MUCHAS GRACIAS for your “EXTRAVAGANT” friendships, prayers, encouragement and financial support. We love and miss you MUCHO!
Jeff’s wild roller coaster ride
I, (Ineke) have never, ever liked roller coasters! They are unpredictable, they are scary, they jerk me around and they make me sick to my stomach! Needless to say, I hurled a few cookies this year!
Since November 2009 , Jeff has been diagnosed with having a stroke, seizure disorder and Multiple Sclerosis. In the heat of the summer ministry season, Jeff was told not to drive and not to work. The rollercoaster ride began...
I watched as Jeff struggled to formulate words (never has been a problem before).
I observed him become tentative in performing his usual tasks because of lack of coordination, weakness, numbness, memory loss and fatigue.
I watched as he became frustrated and fought depression because he desperately wanted to work and contribute.
We were given mixed diagnoses from doctors in Mexico. We needed factual, medical direction.We were wondering if we could stay on the mission field. Our hearts were breaking at the thought of having to leave Mexico. We needed to hear God’s clear voice and direction.
Through a series of unexpected and God-planned events, we ended up at the Mayo Clinic Neurology Department in Phoenix Arizona with a handful of Mexican MRI’s, EEGs, CT scans, echocardiograms, labs and botched spinal tap results.
Mayo Clinic ran every test over again, (and more) since the Mexican tests were sub-standard. Bottom line...Jeff does not have MS nor a seizure disorder. Jeff’s symptoms are residual to the stroke he had last November. He is allowed to work as his energy directs and he is allowed to drive again. We plan to stay in Mexico to serve!
We, as a family may have wobbled a bit (ok, a lot) on the roller coaster. Yet, we believe in a living God who always seems to steer us back into the center. Please continue to pray for direction for Jeff’s changing job description here at AVM.
It has been quite a year! Besides watching the health saga with Jeff, this year has been extremely busy with programming groups.
I have enjoyed the increased number of medical, dental and optometry clinics. I am especially pleased with the streamlined protocols and improved functioning of the clinics. Even the Mexican national churches have stepped up and are more involved with triage and man the prayer and counseling stations at each of our clinics.
We have been at AVM for over 3 years, I look forward to the returning US (and Canadian) groups coming each year and the friendships that have developed as we serve together.
A personal highlight for me was seeing Hannah and Tim in Oregon. My heart was happy to spend a little time with them. It also was wonderful having Tim here for the summer!
I am so very happy with my new program assistant, Liz Stevahn! She has really helped lessen the workload. What a tremendous blessing she has been!
I 'm in my last semester of undergrad and officially graduate from Multnomah University December 2010! I'm one of the rotating music leaders at Imago Dei Community (I just got my own copy of keys to the church!). I continue to play and write music often.
In December, I am hoping to go on a mission trip to Cambodia and Vietnam. My church in Portland is partnered with communities within each country and has asked us to come with a music and worship focus. As one of the music leaders, as well as my cross cultural experience and passion for missions, I have been specifically asked to come on the trip. Pray for the process of the trip and all that it takes to pull that together. Also, it takes place my last two weeks of school meaning I have to have everything done two weeks early.
Pray that I am on top of school this semester. I am in great need of a job, please pray that God provides a means of income that is flexible with my school and Vietnam/Cambodia schedule.
I’m so glad to be sharing about my life with you all once more. I am currently at Multnomah University and I’m loving all that I am doing. I've played drums at my church several times and I'm getting involved as much as possible. I've missed Mexico and Reno lately, but I’m content here. I hope you all are doing well! Love, Tim

Stay tuned for our Christmas Blog!
We love and miss you all!

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