“RE-GROUP” [ree-groop] “to become reorganized in order to make a fresh start”
Announcement: We are heading back to the States! Our Mexican missionary adventure with Agua Viva Ministries (AVM) is sadly coming to an end. This decision has been a slow and arduous process; bathed in lots of prayer. Nonetheless, we have had ebbs and flow of doubt, excitement and confusion. It is time to “RE-GROUP” and see where God will lead the Glavor Family.
Wait…What? I bet you want some details….
We based our decision on the following….
- We prayed and prayed some more
- We had our children and dear friends pray with us for direction
- In light of Jeff’s recent series of TIAs (mini-strokes), we believe it is imperative to have medical insurance. Unfortunately this is unavailable through either individual or group insurance through our small mission agency (due to pre-existing medical conditions).
- Our monthly income does not cover our expenses
- The stress of the above factors triggered an increase in health issues
The tentative “RE-GROUP” plan:
a. Finish off crazy-busy season at AVM and train up our replacements
b. Begin a furlough in Portland September-October debriefing and job-hunting
c. Consider new missionary placement with a larger missionary agency that could absorb pre-existing medical conditions and provide a better gifting “fit”.
What we have learned in our last 4 years here in Mexico:
- God’s Love for the world is unwavering
- We serve an awesome and faithful God
- We have incredible kids!
- We have awesome friends and family!
- We have been honored to know heroes of the faith here in Mexico that are sold out for Kingdom work
- We have been privileged to work with an amazing staff here at Agua Viva Ministries Reaching Mexico for Christ
- When the Lord says, “Go!” then “Go!” no matter the cost
- God can throw curve balls
- His ways are not always our ways
- God requires obedience
- We as a family want to be obedient
- God’s got a plan…a great plan
- God knows how to define “re-group”
We have been blessed by you, our dear friends and family who have graciously supported us financially, emotionally and prayerfully. Words cannot express our gratitude. Thank you for partnering with us and supporting us as we lived out our dream of reaching Mexico for Christ with Agua Viva Ministries (AVM).
We are amazed at our wonderful circle of friends and family!! We have two awesome children that not only have weathered the Glavor storms of life the last 4 years…they still continue to serve the Lord! With that in mind… it has been worth it all!
When we came to Mexico, we stated that we would stay until the Lord said otherwise. We now believe that God is re-directing our steps and wants us to “RE-GROUP”. We will go back onto the mission field in a heartbeat if He calls us again. Stay tuned for our next adventure! We love you all!
This spring marked the beginning of my Internship at Imago. Its been awesome leading music and getting involved at a deeper level. I am surrounded by a phenomenal staff who is devoted to investing in each other and the community; immediate, local and global. I'm taking music to a different level as I play more shows locally and have dabbled around in the recording studio. I finally record my first EP this summer! Stay tuned for the final product.
Tim is still at Multnomah University. He has been working as a painting apprentice. He is working with Hannah on the “Take Flight” campaign. Making their first recording together.
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