1. Jeff does not have MS!
2. Jeff does not have a seizure disorder!
3. Mayo clinic has determined that Jeff has continued vascular complications following his stroke he had in November. The most recent MRI of his head showed an increase in white matter lesions on his brain. Jeff's subsequent right sided numbness, weakness, cognitive changes and fatigue are a residual of his initial stroke.
The good news is that there are not any new active stroke areas on his brain! He has been given the green light to drive again and increase his activities as his energy dictates.
There is great reason to praise God!! No surgery! No MS! So watch out Mexico!...We are coming home!
Thank you all for your faithfulness in prayer, your encouragement, your support and for following this lengthy saga.
We love you! Ineke and Jeff
Praise the Lord for that wonderful report! We will continue to pray for you all. God definately has more good work for you to do!God Bless!! Laurie Perez
Praise the Lord!!!! Such good news. We continue to pray for you. We love you, Mark & Lorrie
Hallelujah!! Unflippinbelievable!!
God is so big and bodacious and powerful and awesome!!
Thank you Jesus for your loving care over these two precious ones. We give You and You alone the praise and glory for this great news! You are worthy!!!
Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Praise the Lord! So glad to hear this!!! Love you all and am keeping you in my prayers!
Oh my!!! This is wonderful!! Praise God!! May you have a time of rejoicing and rest!!
Hallehallehallelufah! Will continue to praise God for this whole situation and how He is using it for good. Much love to you all! Wendy
Hooray!!! God bless the NEXT chapter in your lives. Time to turn the page and leave that last one behind!
Happy tears! What an amazing answer to prayer. God is awesome - and so are you!!
the canadians (who happen to be on holiday in minnesota)are absolutley THRILLED. we love you guys so much, can't imagine how encouraging this news must be for you all!!!!!!!!!!
definiately "party worthy". :)
I knew it! You just wanted to avoid working with us Canadians during our week with you. You fooled us all.
Seriously, we are so thankful to God that you now have a firm diagnosis. We love you guys and hope to see you again soon!
YeeeeeeeeeeAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our Lord is too great for words!
I knew it was going to be good news. Frank and I send our love! Miss you!
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